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    Earth Week is being celebrated with great gusto in our area

    Earth Day started on this continent and North Americans make the April 22nd celebration one to remember. Even before the words, ‘climate change’ or ‘biodiversity’ were household terms, most people in the 1970’s realized humans were creating ecological damage on a wide scale. Earth Day was born because people like Rachel Carson eloquently explained that the planet’s integrity was not for sale. The countless scientific reports on the Earth’s health, including the latest one by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, adds to the urgency to live lives as if Earth Day was every day. As our federal government’s stewardship of Nature has tragically giving way to a destructive and irrational focus on supporting the fossil fuels industries, various organisations in Canada such as EcoJustice and the Pembina Institute make headway in the protection of fundamental ecological rights for all living beings.

    Transition Collingwood will present on Thursday, April 24 at 7pm, the film, “Revolution” by Canadian Rob Stewart, award winning biologist, photographer, conservationist and film-maker at Collingwood’s Gayety Theatre located on Hurontario Street. The film’s stunningly beautiful images of Nature is given more appeal by the people interviewed in the documentary who make a direct plea to us to save our Earth. Most importantly, the proceeds from the screening of “Revolution” will go to the Community Seed Library located in the Collingwood Public Library. As access to vast numbers of seed types continues to plummet, seed banks around the world have blossomed and seed exchanges and libraries carry on the vital business of making available open pollinated seeds.The seeds library will allow any member of the community to access organic heirloom seeds, educational materials and participate in free workshops.
    The movie is available for all to see regardless of the ability to pay for a ticket. Please write to for more details regarding the film or how to obtain a ticket. You can call 445-2766.

    On Tuesday, April 22nd, there will be an Earth Day Watershed Cleanup at 1pm at the amphitheatre at the end of North Maple Street in Collingwood. Visit for details.

    Beaver Valley Community Garden Launch will plant a tree at 3:30pm on April 23rd at the Beaver Valley Community school. Call Ivan at 444-2684 for details on how you can become involved in this year’s activities.

    Transition Meaford will have a park clean up, seed library workshop, household cleaners and more. For details, visit

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