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Summer Readings for 2011 Take Us to New Heights for Inspiration and Action
“There is no such thing as a green pepper… All peppers start out some shade of green (either dark, light or yellowish) and gradually turn red, yellow, orange or even purple as they mature and sweeten. A green pepper, like a green tomato, is simply unripe.” Patrick Lima and John Scanlan’s “The Organic Home Gardener”
“Nature loves man, beetles, and birds with the same love.” John Muir
“We have done deeds of charity, made peace of enmity, fair love of hate, between these swelling wrong-incensed peers.” Shakespeare’s Richard the Third
Patrick Lima and John Scanlan’s just released second printing of “The Organic Home Garden” is joyously required reading for anyone who loves to garden. These Bruce Peninsula heroes of soil, seeds and thirty plus years of creative sweat have toiled to create the perfect book for both beginners and callused-handed inveterate gardeners. “The Organic Home Garden” is far more than a ’how to’ book. Yes, we learn about the proper care of raising many vegetables but also find inspiration in the photos and finely crafted words of these two men. The authors’ passion can not but strike a chord of reverence for the Earth. Patrick Lima’s quiet prose conjures up all that is beautiful in the garden. “…it is a pleasure to potter in the tomato bed, pushing in stakes, plucking suckers, tying the hairy stems with strips of old bed sheets, watching the fruit swell from week to week, then blush pink and finally redden.” And the many subject headings draw in the reader: “Of Suckers and Stakes”, Bugs, Cracks and Cat-facing”, “In the Trenches”, “Of Mulch, Maggots and Mold” and “Midsummer Miscellany” are just a few intriguing titles that make us want to read more. From the care of herbs to the potato and great cooking recipes, there is cause to celebrate the new edition of this Canadian classic. Without a doubt, a summer visit to ‘Larkwhistle’ will inspire you to be a better gardener and cherish these organic gardeners’ wisdom. Don’t wait till you are reading their book in bed on a cold winter’s night dreaming of new sowings of shallots and spinach; visit ‘Larkwhistle now and buy it there. Call 519 795-7763 for directions and hours to visit.
When is the last time you read Shakespeare’s “Richard the Third”? Although Stratford is a two hour journey, every year I find myself dusting off a play of Shakespeare’s and recall the prose and poetry of Elizabethan England’s fantastic vistas of the sublime and the treacherous: “Richard the Third” offers us both. Although we may wish to see Richard’s demise, what brought him to such murderous actions reverberates in today’s political theatres. Civil wars, greed, loyalty and love for ones kin can’t help making this play a ‘hit’ with audiences since 1593. I have never seen a play at Stratford with a stronger cast. It’s not only Seana McKenna, who brilliantly shines as the female- playing Richard but every actor is powerfully played. The stage craft is superb. Miles Potter’s direction of the play is creative and sensitive.
Donald Worster’s “A Passion for Nature: the Life of John Muir” should be on every nature lovers book shelf. Many of us know that the Sierra Club’s first president was John Muir and indeed a resident of Meaford for a year and a half, but few of us know how John’s religious upbringing was transformed into a powerful voice for Nature. Throughout this 466 page biography John Muir, the man, is portrayed first and foremost as a quiet advocate of people’s right to experience nature but never to overrule or abuse her. Muir’s adventures in the Sierra Mountains or in Alaska can be found here and in his short essays and articles. .Although he was a very reluctant spokesperson for conservation, his powerful and unadorned authentic passion for wilderness won over all segments of society, leading to the establishment of the world’s first national parks. Just as importantly, we learn about those people who shared his conservation goals, including the wonderful women in his life. Worster sums up John’s contributions this way: “The ultimate destination of the conservation …movement that Muir helped found is to transform the United States and other nations into “green” societies where pollution and waste of natural resources will have diminished significantly, where nature will become more than a ruthlessly exploited or even prudently managed “economic resource”. Nature will be granted a higher emotional, spiritual, and aesthetic value- a value in itself. No one in the nineteenth century America was more important than Muir in persuading people to move toward such a vision.”
World Population Day makes us Reflect on Sane and Compassionate Actions
“As things are today, even without any further increases in world population, if every person in the world were to start consuming as Americans {Canadians} do, humanity would require the resources of at least two additional planet Earths to support it.” Paul and Anne Ehrlich
World Population Day (July 11), created after the world had 5 billion people in 1987, and integrated with other world initiatives, celebrates, educates and finds solutions for a growing population and our planet’s health. World Population Day 2011’s theme is Calling Attention to Urgent Global Issues: young people, women and girls, poverty reduction, reproductive health, environment, ageing populations and urbanization. Consider: the planet had a billion people around the time of industrialization and rose to 2 billion by 1930 and then tripled to six billion in 2000. In a recent June article called “Climate, Food and Population”, I mentioned the U.N’s estimate of 10.1 billion people living at the beginning of the 22nd century. This number may be quite charitable, as the population may rise to thirteen billion people. Regardless of these numbers, scientists have clearly linked the extreme risks of a rising population, an increasingly unstable climate with food affordability and availability. We have become so inventive that our cultures can be seen from space, and most vividly at night!
Please take a look at these recent photos from the International Space Station showing how the web of night lighting is indicative of an increasing population pushing its way into every part of the globe. We see in the first photo how the entire length of Earth’s longest river, the Nile, is lit up. Paul and Anne Ehrlich’s book “One with Nineveh: Politics, Consumption, and the Human Future” has a composite photo of the world at night. It is ablaze with lights. Seven years after these scientists’ book was published, the world’s population has gone from 6.3 billion people to seven billion by October, 2011. When Professor Ehrlich wrote his controversial book, “The Population Bomb” in the 1968, governments thought the present day inheritor of Malthus’18th century theory of human population growth had really made a massive mistake. Malthus said,” “The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man”. Tragically, the Ehrlich’s predictions for human survival are now repeatedly confirmed. The ‘Malthusian Catastrophe’ is fueled by super-exponential growth, and greed I might add.
Although the question of ‘population’ is politically taboo, both ‘left’ and ‘right’ journalism have recognized the urgency to address the ‘population question’. For example, The Economist has run a series of in-depth articles on the “The Anthropocene”. (Most scientists now have concluded that we have changed the Earth to such a degree, it’s necessary to call the epoch for the 21st century and beyond, the Age of Humans: the Anthropocene. Bill McKibbon’s 2010 book is called “Eaarth”, signaling that the Earth needs a new name in light of human made changes.). A New York Times article by Justin Gillis starts:” The great agricultural system that feeds the human race is in trouble.” The title for the article is “Food for a Warming Planet: scientists raise alarm at prices, population and heat”
Compassion for the great suffering of a billion people should hold no political stripes, but too often it does. In 2009 the G20 group of nations, at a gathering in Pittsburgh, set up the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) to allow poor nations to regain stability, access to markets and perhaps most importantly, local resilience in the face of soaring prices for food. By far, Canada has given more money -$224 million- than any other nation towards this program. And as this article is being read, Somali climate refugees are pouring into Dadaab camp in Kenya, with now 354,921 plus people, to escape drought-stricken areas.
Since Canadians, Australians and Americans ‘lead’ the world in the rapacious destruction of the planet, vast relief would come with a one child policy for these nations to help curtail the world’s misery. As well, compassionate adults should create the means for the stricken children of other nations to thrive by drastically lowering their consumption and becoming vegans (a vegan’s food/ecological footprint is so much lower than a meat/dairy eater’s). Grandparents and parents might also sing the praises for adoption of the malnourished living rather than pushing 20th century models of ‘family’. Vast revenues can be found as well by stopping medical research that only benefits the rich few (us), and channeling that money into disbursing known medical successes to the three billion humans who, for example, lack the simple remedies for water born diseases. Doing more and taking less can revitalize our society and the Eaarth.
Solar Clotheslines and Push Lawn Mowers Make our Summer a Cool Place
“A land ethic changes the role of Homo sapiens from conqueror of the land-community to plain member and citizen of it.” from “A Sand County Almanac” by Aldo Leopold
“Principles have no real force except when one is well-fed.” Mark Twain
For the second year, Collingwood and area will be able to share the warmth of the sun with- their clothes. This innovative program will get its launch in 2011 with the paid Eco Action Centre youth putting up a clothesline (all the hardware and poles and cement included for $94) in your yard. Not only is the line emitting zero greenhouse emissions, but the youth will ride over on their bicycles to your house to install it!
Replace your high cost (it’s 8 to 10% of your utility bill) and Earth unfriendly clothes dryer with a zero emission clothesline and breathe in that fresh air scent. Thornbury’s Home Hardware will be giving you one at cost through the new Eco Action Centre. Georgian Triangle Earth Day Celebrations and Elephant Thoughts’ August team of teens will put up your clothesline for no extra fee, and if you live in the immediate area, Home Hardware will deliver the package to your home or pick it up and install it yourself in Thornbury once you have obtained our Eco Action Certificate from us to do so. The supply of clotheslines is limited so write to us soon at using the subject heading, “clotheslines”. If you are wondering if your bylaws permit clotheslines, a provincial statute has all municipalities grant home residents the right to put one up.
Not long ago Melanie Vollick completed a six month in the making excellent research paper for Georgian Triangle Earth Day Celebration. As we expected, the pollution from lawn gas mowers is destroying our health. Up to nine percent of Canada’s pollution is created by these devils. It’s not only pollution but the noise, and the fact that a person does not get much exercise as they breathe in nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, particulate matter and volatile organic compounds and sulfur dioxide Besides the fact that Americans alone burn 800 million gallons of gas each year, Canadians share the same glee in killing their youth by letting them cut their lawns, and in the worse cases, actually buy a gas mower for their teens to go off and have a ‘summer job’ breathing in all that junk and ending up with real health issues. Is this ‘Parenting’? Other adults tell us that they have a gas mower and now are ‘committed’ to using it. The Home Depot had a high profile two week “Mow Down Pollution Event” six weeks ago and every spring, whereby you can buy a push mower and get a rebate for up to $100 for that destructive monster. Ms Vollick’s research points to this astonishing fact given to us by the California Environmental Protection Agency: “A gasoline-powered lawn mower, running for an hour puts out about the same amount of smog-forming emissions as 40 new automobiles that run for an hour.” You can now read her report on-line at
The Collingwood area is now lucky enough to have a program with youth cycling to houses and cutting homeowners’ lawns with a Fiskars “Momentum” push mower that was purchased at Canadian Tire. If you wish a youth to cut your lawn, send an email to and use the subject, “push mower”. Georgian Triangle Earth Day Celebration will send a teen over and end your noise and pollution problems within the week. Plus, you’re helping a teen stay strong and know that he/she is doing great work for their community instead of ruining it with a gas mower.
Grassroots Efforts Create New Ways To Protect the Earth
“We’re calling it a Global Work Party, with emphasis on both ‘work’ and ‘party’. In Auckland, New Zealand, they’re having a giant bike fix-up day, to get every bicycle in the city back on the road. In the Maldives, they’re putting up solar panels on the President’s office. In Kampala, Uganda, they’re going to plant thousands of trees, and in Bolivia they’re installing solar stoves for a massive carbon neutral picnic.” Climate Movement
Collingwood and area joined the world on October 10, 2010 to be part of the Global Work Party with 7347 groups in 188 countries to bring attention to the climate crisis that most assuredly will intensify throughout the 21st century unless we change now how we locally and globally think and act. The aim of this grassroots effort was also to tell governments that they have to get to work-now. What we did in Collingwood on October 10th was to first go to our Community Garden and pick some of the vegetables and turn over the earth. An art project was held at the garden with Michelle Fleming of The Bay School of Art. We ended the afternoon by planting 45 two foot trees at Black Ash Creek. Imagine 7347 creative work efforts on October 10 that aimed to inspire us to lower greenhouse gas emissions and have millions of voices saying to our politicians that it’s unacceptable not to point government polices towards a safe 350 parts per million carbon dioxide level for the world. By including many more people through various strategies, we’ll change the present political inertia into action for the stabilization of our climate with all the ramifications that holds for biodiversity and not least, indigenous populations. One strategy to move this grassroots ground swell of support along is to have the 350 Earth Project that will take place between November 20- 28th. If you look at the word, “Earth” you can find the word. ‘Art’, and in the Grey/Simcoe counties we’ll be asking our artists to demonstrate through the arts what needs to be done for a reduction of carbon to 350 ppm. How can this take place? At the “Be the Change” film series on November 24th, there will be photos shown of the most beautiful places on the Earth; places that we don’t want to lose. Live music will accompany those exquisite photos. The Bay School of Art is also going to have a creative arts event during this time period that visually presents the case to act on climate and lower our greenhouse emissions to 350.
I wish to address another important topic that impacts our community: the changes coming to the Silver Creek Wetland. Although a change of ownership of the wetlands to the Town is excellent news, not necessarily is a twig saved by doing so. What is frequently left out of the news reports is that the condo development, that is right in the middle of the wetlands, can proceed whether or not the remaining wetlands change hands to the Town of Collingwood. As well, the transfer of ownership may in fact give traction for the need to have the public ‘get something out of the deal’ such as trails where none may have been before. I see this transfer as a beginning and not as an end for better protection of the wetlands. Perhaps it may be possible to persuade TD, who is the new owner of the upland condo development, to give those lands to the Town or to a conservation group such as the Nature Conservancy as well. Why not name the entire wetland, as one of many possibilities in return for such an act of wisdom and conservation foresight, ‘TD Trust Wetland Refuge’ or any other name that meets with their approval, and gives them a broad public acknowledgement of their generosity. So while a good start has been created for Silver Creek’s protection, a comprehensive vision should not stop there.
Good Work and Dedicated People are Forging the New Alliance for the Planet.
“The Empathic Civilization is emerging. We are fast extending our empathic embrace to the whole of humanity and the vast project of life that envelops the planet. But our rush to universal empathic connectivity is running up against a rapidly accelerating entropic juggernaut in the form of climate change … Can we reach biosphere consciousness and global empathy in time to avert planetary collapse?
Jeremy Rifkin, “The Empathic Civilization: the Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis”
“We’ll need chief among all things, to get smaller and less centralized, to focus not on growth but on maintenance, on a controlled decline from the perilous heights to which we’ve climbed.”
Bill McKibben, “Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet’
It’s the myriad voices and actions that are now coming together to create the difference between relentlessly pushing our planet’s biosphere towards a collapsed, unrecognizable place and forging a balanced ecologically sustainable Earth that makes our times so fraught with anticipation. Bill McKibben, arguably the most influential Nature activist in the world, has written a book called “Eaarth” with two a’s signifying the massive changes that are now moving our planet towards a terrifying and perhaps uninhabitable new ‘Eaarth’. Will we have to redefine the very basis of humanity’s existence on this planet, and therefore should we call it by a new name? Bill tells us that the planet has already changed and that we must take action now so creative steps find strength in worldwide collective grassroots efforts.
There is good news. While attending a climate action meeting for two days last month it came to light that a new poll tells Canadians that 48 percent of us believe the climate issue to be very important and very urgent to solve, while 80 percent of Canadians feel that humans are at least partly responsible. It’s when we get to the age groups and genders that climate activists know where the work is cut out for them: 54 percent of women and 45 percent of men under 35 believe that climate change is caused primarily by human activity and it is only in the last two years that most young women have become involved In working for a climate solution. Unfortunately a majority of men between the ages of 35-54 did not feel it was very important for the world to find solutions to climate change. Strategies to work more diligently with already involved women to instill faster change in the population are a priority.
Our community is answering the call to work on finding solutions enabling a more resilient planet. The arrival of author Mike Nickerson in Collingwood last week was met with excitement. His book,” Life, Money and Illusion: Living on Earth as if We Want to Stay” is already in its second printing. He asks,” Might the goal of sustainability serve the needs of humankind better than the goal of perpetual economic expansion?” Mike met with Collingwood Collegiate students and then with members of the Transition Town group that is dedicated to bringing about the localization of food production and the reskilling of young and old to better be able to live in a world without globalization, and where the community becomes more self-reliant. Earlier in the week a group of citizens started the Collingwood Food Alliance. It’s first two initiatives is to bring about the wide spread use of our new community garden and to bring back local farmers to the Saturday morning market.
Next week brings climate justice groups to Toronto on November 13-14. In September, 850 people came to hear James Hansen, the climate scientist from NASA, speak at University of Toronto. The grassroots movement is gaining momentum and it’s ready to change status quo destructive politics and corporate agendas forever. Join us.
Push Lawn Mowers: for a better tomorrow!
Reduce Carbon Dioxide emissions, grow a healthier lawn and save money!
Did you Know!
Fact: Gas mowers emit Nitrogen oxides, Carbon monoxide, Hydrocarbons, Particulate Matter, and Volatile Organic Compounds.
Gas driven lawn mowers cause monstrous quantities of noise, ground ozone pollution and massive greenhouse gas emissions. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), one gas mower going for one hour is equivalent to eight new cars going 85 km an hour. Image eight older inefficient cars? Shocking!
Be part of the solution!
This spring, Georgian Triangle Earth Days will be employing youth to cut your lawn. The cost will be $25 for in-town front and back yards and will be a pollution free initiative!
Download our brochure for more info:
October 10 Action Simcoe/Grey CELEBRATION & PROTECTIVE EARTH WORK PARTY has been
* 10 October 2010 – 10:00am- 12:30pm
We will be at our new community garden on October 10, 2010 helping to prepare it for its first full year in 2011. We’ll have some shovels and hoes but please bring extra ones. Also, we’d like to show how push lawn mowers are great for climate stabilization and we hope to have a few of these ready for our community to try out. Our hope is to hire youth for the spring/summer to cut the lawns of people, going from one house to the next by bicycle with the push mowers at the back to transport them.
As well, we’ll be signing people up for our clotheslines to be installed in the spring of 2011.
Event Website:
How to Get Involved Planning the Event: Write to or phone 519 599 5461
Event Host: and
Location Information
795847 Grey Road 19 (also called Osler Bluff Road) Collingwood, Canada
Directions To Event:Turn south at the corner of Mountain Road and 19. there is a “Tee Please” golf range there and go 1 Km to the Community Garden sign; alternatively, when coming from Collingwood, take 6th Street west of Rona and turn right on 19 for 2 Km
Stellar Youth Take on Eco Action Centre’s Work with Zest
“Those who purport to lead us, and all of us who are concerned about climate change, environmental quality, and equity,{must} treat the public as intelligent adults who are capable of understanding the truth and acting creatively and courageously in the face of necessity…” David W. Orr “Down to the Wire: confronting climate collapse”
As Eco Action Centre’s first month draws to a close ten youth have had new hands-on actions and/or educational experiences almost every day. Ninety-five percent of these experiences have taken place out of doors. Monday to Friday, from morning to late afternoon, our youth’s community involvement has far exceeded their expectations; this has led to new visions and actions for 2011.
We have strengthened our bodies and mental preparedness by cycling several hundred kilometers and hugely reduced our carbon emissions instead of taking fossil fuel transportation every where. Cycling has given the group the mobility to work on sometimes four projects in a day. Wearing our bright safety vests and carrying hoes and shovels around the community has given the action youth a real presence, and people are curious to know what is happening.
A typical day may start at the community garden by cultivating the earth for next spring’s first full time garden, and continue on our cycling journey by placing tree blankets around the base of very small trees so as to discourage competition from weeds and raise moisture levels, then put up two clotheslines and finally sit under a tree and discuss what we read about biodiversity the evening before. Another day takes the group in a Free Spirit Tour van up to meet Thomas Homer-Dixon in Kolapore wilderness after having read a few chapters in one of his books. (The informal meeting and conversation with this well known author was inspirational for the group.) Cycling from Kolapore back to Collingwood or cycling from Kimberley to Heathcote after putting on bee suits and learning how to care for honey bees (homemade potato bread and honey a must afterwards) to work on Matt Code’s Free Spirit Tour garden creates great team spirit.
A long day pulling out weeds, picking eighty-eight pounds of beans so they will be ready for community baskets the next day and installing a row cover at Edencrest organic farm is ended quietly with Farmer Jim talking about sustainable agriculture under a tree and why youth must be part of the effort for the relocalization of food. A hay ride and cool juice supplied by grateful Farmer Maureen is awarded to the group in praise of our “work ethic” and results in a return visit this Friday.
Another day has us sitting in a circle in the community garden with Jen and Grant from the Green Bin Project. (They stopped by as they cycled from Vancouver to Newfoundland to talk about their adventures across Canada in search of sustainable living practices and promote their film that shows them living a zero trash year to help create a post-consumer society.)
Sonja Klinsky, from the University of British Columbia came by to discuss climate justice. How hard is it to put together an international agreement on climate? Our group went through an exercise whereby each of us represented countries with national interests that varied widely with respect to committing to lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Our youth now realizes that climate consensus is not an easy accomplishment, and at the same time understands that a key component in realizing a climate stabilization solution rests with resolving justice issues among 192 countries.
The Eco Action youth look forward to meeting Mayor Carrier next week. Municipal sustainability questions have been researched at the library and we expect a lively conversation with the mayor. EcoJustice lawyer, Albert Koehl will discuss with us several topics: alternative transportation and how it might be implemented in our area as well as hearing first hand how a lawyer can fight for migratory birds through litigation or policy change in government. From Kimberley he comes with the group to Heathcote to have a paddle for two hours as our resident biodiversity specialist, Aide Fernandez, points out the wonders of the Beaver River ecosystem. Fred Dobbs of the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority gives his time for us to learn about rivers and hands-on skills needed to protect them. We end our month by visiting two committed elders. Malcolm Kirk and Greta McGillivray, to hear words of encouragement from these outstanding and passionate naturalists.. Courage is what youth will need to support their world.
Special thanks to Ontario Trillium Foundation for believing in Georgian Triangle Earth Day Celebration’s and Elephant Thoughts’ vision for youth and positive change, Margaret and Eric Willis who gave us the land for the community garden, Janet and Bill Bartram who joyfully gave the Centre access to their Kolapore paradise and Thornbury Home Hardware for supplying and delivering free of charge all those clothesline parts at wholesale prices and replacing battered shovels.
What’s next? Eco Action Centre youth will begin their role as ambassadors for climate and biodiversity solutions in their schools and community by writing the next article directed at some of the pressing problems facing life on Earth. This article is the result of each youth giving a twenty minute presentation to the group on a subject they are keenly interested in pursuing. We thank Scott Woodhouse, editor of our local newspapers, for making this possible.