Archive for the ‘Nature Articles’ Category
Green criminality and factory farms shame us all
“Consider your origin: you were not made to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.”
—Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy: Inferno (ca 1321)
“Our food system is undermining our ability to feed humanity now and into the future… It is no exaggeration to say that what happens in the next five years will determine the future of life on Earth.”
—WWF, Living Planet Report 2024: A System in Peril
“The low retail cost of industrialized food can obscure its very high environmental price tag.”
—United Nations Environment Programme
“We depend on land for our survival. Yet we treat it like dirt.”
—UN Secretary-General António Guterres
The UN biodiversity summit, the UN climate summit, the UN desertification summit and the Global Plastics Treaty negotiations this autumn all ended in disappointing and far fewer positive negotiations than life on Earth can tolerate.
But are individuals doing any better than governments to protect Nature? The over-50s have failed to live up to their potential to facilitate meaningful positive change for life on Earth. Younger generations, if they are to survive, urgently need to forge on past those global north entitled generations and get on with making Earth an equitable place.
The following scenario is a microcosm of how we are failing as older adults: a festive group of enthusiasts go out into the “great outdoors” around Christmas with the aim of socializing and communing with wildlife—observing and recording the migratory birds passing over, and others that overwinter in the area. A good feeling of solidarity permeates the tribe, proud that they can be thought of as participating citizen scientists. In this time of increasing ecological uncertainty this group of acquaintances will probably be passing on their data from this outing to help scientists who study birds. Good work from dedicated conservationists!
A celebration is called for. How about a delicious organic vegan meal that honours the group and the rest of Nature, and recognizes the connection and continuum of all life on the planet?
But no, the opposite happens. Favouring cheap food packaged to be easy to hand out, the group choose instead the flesh of tortured birds who have spent their short lives crammed into the factory farms that contaminate the rivers, air and soil with their effluent and accelerate wildlife extinction. (Besides the harm they perpetrate on the planet, these establishments pay terrible wages. No rural community wants them nearby because of the odours and air pollution and the negative effect on house prices.)
It would be fair to ask whether these Christmas revellers are oblivious to the impact their choice has on wildlife, human health and even Indigenous justice issues related to deforestation and climate when buying this celebratory supper. But, as in so many instances, this is far from being the case. Despite knowing full well about the misery and devastation caused by the demand for factory farms, they go ahead and decide to eat antibiotic-laden birds—and even declare that after the meal they will be “doing their bit” by taking the toxic bones to compost!
Some of them might try to justify their choice by pointing out that there are codes of practice in the agri-food industry that afford protection to chickens. But adhering to the Codes of Practice proposed by the National Farm Animal Care Council is voluntary and is not enforced by the Québec government. Unbelievably, the industry is policing itself. And animal welfare is not a priority. Profits are. People hoping to assuage their guilt for contributing to the suffering at these factory farms by mentioning these mercurial ‘Codes of Practice’ cannot disregard their own culpability.
Anyone who really cares protecting birds would not wish to indulge in a meal consisting of factory-farmed chickens.
Does this ignorance come down to a great psychological barrier reinforced over the last several hundred years by capitalist cultures that humans are not part of Nature, and that although we may profess some empathy for non-human species, they are there principally to be consumed?
Ecocide and Indigenous genocide go hand and hand with that global north mindset.
In a paper titled ‘The Ordinary Acts that Contribute to Ecocide,” criminologist Robert Agnew endeavours to explain “why individuals and small groups engage in a range of ‘ordinary’ acts that contribute to the destruction of the natural environment.” Agnew explains that leading crime theories have much to say about why individuals engage in ordinary harms that contribute to ecocide, even though these harms represent conformist behaviour, and concludes by reminding readers why the application of leading crime theories to ordinary harms is important. The discussion on “crimes of denial” is spoken of but also how capitalism sets the stage to give free rein to these ordinary and local crimes. In our above story, what influences this conformist group is the dirt-cheap price for the unethical meal as well as a notion of individual entitlement inculcated by capitalism and exceptionalism. See
Chicken factory farms are always problematic for communities to accept because they impinge on the right of citizens to clean air and water. What looks like a regionally raised chicken is often being made possible by the existence of a vast network of cheap industrially grown feedstock located in deforested tropical areas, which in turn has direct consequences for Indigenous people’s ability to live in those places. “Local” becomes just a dimension of international ecocide. Indigenous environmental victimization is suddenly played out over a well-meaning group’s contaminating chicken meal.
The Center for Biological Diversity has this to say in a fact sheet about the environmental costs of eating poultry:“Factory farms often have multiple industrial-scale sheds, each as large as 36,000 square feet, containing hundreds of thousands of birds in total. Manure application and feed production further expand the footprint of chicken production. Throughout the ‘Broiler Belt’ region, chicken production has destroyed natural habitat for native wildlife.”
In 2018, 71% of all bird biomass globally consisted of poultry, while wild birds made up just 21%. That gap is increasing.
WWF’s 2024 Living Planet Report details an average 73% decline in wildlife populations since 1970. The report warns that, as the Earth approaches dangerous tipping points posing grave threats to humanity, a huge collective effort will be required to tackle the dual climate and Nature crises.
Our mindset can change. If some of those people who decided on a supper menu were young and had read the Living Planet Report 2024 Youth Edition, there is no way they would have chosen to eat factory-farmed birds.
Adults can revise their opinions by making an effort to gain scientific knowledge about wildlife and extinction through reading the Living Planet Report for adults.
The Center for Biological Diversity offers some tips for a wildlife-friendly diet: “Every meal is an opportunity to help protect wildlife by taking extinction off your plate. Replace chicken in traditional dishes by trying chicken-free veggie pot pies, fajitas, alfredo pasta, pad thai and burritos.”
“Anyone who develops deep knowledge of other species by living alongside them for years realizes something both obvious and essential: we are not the only lives that matter.”
—Melanie Challenger, ‘Animals in the Room’, Emergence Magazine, August 2023
The fox is guarding the chickens at COP29
“Governments have retreated from even their legally binding promises to decarbonize, trusting markets to deliver comparatively meager emissions reductions instead, and activists have been unable to generate meaningful public outrage at the walkback.”
—David Wallace-Wells, New York Times
Oil and gas are a “gift of god,” declares UN COP29 climate summit host Azerbaijan president Ilham Aliyev, as thousands attend the conference in Baku, the capital, which was built on oil revenues. It appears that Canada believes the same.
It has just been revealed by Canada’s environmental law charity Ecojustice and environmental advocacy organization Environmental Defence that the emissions from the oil, gas and coal Canada exports are increasing at such a rate that they now vastly exceed its own domestic energy emissions. This makes a mockery of Canada’s proclamation at COP28 that it is a climate leader.
More than 1,700 fossil fuel lobbyists, including those pushing for controversial carbon capture and storage technology, swarmed COP29 as the Azerbaijan government welcomed the most powerful oil and gas CEOs. Joseph Sikulu, a member of the Pacific Climate Warriors and Pacific Director for climate campaign group, exclaimed, “How can we achieve the ambition that is needed to save our homes when these negotiations are continually flooded with fossil fuel lobbyists? There is a ban on tobacco lobbyists from attending the World Health Organization’s summit. Why is that not the case for the fossil fuel industry at COP? We demand that the upcoming COP presidencies set clear rules against the presence of fossil fuel interests at the negotiating table. Our lives depend on it.”
An open letter on COP climate reforms, written by climate policy experts and climate scientists to the UN Secretary General and COP Executive Secretary, asks for a move away from endless negotiations to delivery of agreed-upon negotiations. Money allocated to compensate countries of the global south and aid them so that they can adapt and create a resilient response to ongoing climate catastrophes (loss and damage) must be honoured. Key reforms urged also include locking out fossil fuel lobbyists and countries that push for more fossil fuel expansion.
This is music to many people’s ears, as the present COP structure, which has never produced any transition away from fossil energies, has lost the confidence of so many people. No wonder the last three climate conferences have taken place in autocratic petrostates. The letter went on to say, “It is now clear that the COP is no longer fit for purpose… We need a shift from negotiation to implementation. We need strict eligibility criteria to exclude countries who do not support the phase-out/transition away from fossil energy. Host countries must demonstrate their high level of ambition to uphold the goals of the Paris agreement.”
Since the level of atmospheric CO2 has increased 26% in the last 10 years, it would be reasonable to question whether the 29th UN climate talks—with more than 65,000 people registered— will make any difference. The presence of 1,700 fossil-fuel lobbyists doesn’t help!
The World Meteorological Organization declared recently that 2024 had shown a 1.5-degree Celsius (1.5C) temperature rise since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and the intensive burning of fossil fuels. Although there are those who say that this increase in global temperature is not necessarily demonstrating that a 1.5C or more rise is here to stay, it is more than disconcerting that this spike in temperature came well before its predicted date. You may recall that the declarations pasted onto the Paris UN summit agreement in 2015 proclaimed a limit of 1.5C for this century as being the maximum acceptable. But the climate pledges already given would lead to a disastrous 2.1C rise.
This is why the Open Letter to the UN is so important: it lays out a path away from endless negotiations and demands the keeping of the promises stated so jubilantly at the 2015 summit in Paris, which ranged from honouring pledges of financial support for countries in the global south to successfully keeping atmospheric temperatures well below 2 degrees Celsius. As every part of the planet has now experienced climate emergencies, there should be an easy-to-make argument that the UN conference must be broken up into smaller working groups focused on climate justice and a swift transition away from fossil-fuel energy.
But climate action at the COP is also endangered by far-right governments. Argentina is a case in point: under the instructions of its president, Javier Milei, it has given up participating in the COP29 dialogue. Its delegation unceremoniously left the UN Summit for the Future in September this year. This disdain and contempt for climate/biodiversity solutions will probably be matched by the incoming US administration’s climate denial disinformation. It is widely predicted that the US will depart from future climate summits.
Last weekend there was a day of protest demanding climate justice at COP29. The negotiations have been going so slowly that people fear there will not be an increase in the billions of dollars needed each year to help developing countries cope with climate breakdown. “Activists from countries spanning the globe have assembled in a long line at COP29 with artwork and signs from throughout the conference, to show the connectedness of the climate crisis worldwide and urge world leaders to commit to a strong climate finance deal this year,” wrote Oxfam International.
Speaking in Baku ahead of the latest G20 summit in Brazil, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell called on wealthy countries to give climate funds and debt relief to the least prosperous and struggling countries, which need to adapt to a crisis that is not of their making. “The G20 was created to tackle problems that no one country, or group of countries, can tackle alone,” he stated. “On that basis, the global climate crisis should be order of business number one in Rio next week.” He also emphasised, “Bolder climate action is basic self-preservation for every G20 economy. Without rapid cuts in emissions, no G20 economy will be spared from climate-driven economic carnage… In turbulent times and a fracturing world, G20 leaders must signal loud and clear that international cooperation is still the best and only chance humanity must survive global heating. There is no other way.”
COP29 comes to an end on Friday November 22, the date this article is being published, so I will have more to report (hopefully some positive news) on the outcome of the conference in my next article, which also looks at the UN COP on desertification being held in Saudi Arabia from December 2 to 13.
Peace with Nature” means acting with and for Nature
“It was among the strongest feelings of grief I have ever encountered. The contrast between the vicious coldness of space and the warm nurturing of Earth below filled me with overwhelming sadness. Every day, we are confronted with the knowledge of further destruction of Earth at our hands: the extinction of animal species, of flora and fauna . . . things that took five billion years to evolve, and suddenly we will never see them again because of the interference of mankind. It filled me with dread. My trip to space was supposed to be a celebration; instead, it felt like a funeral.”
– William Shatner, reflecting on his trip aboard the Blue Origin space shuttle in 2021
“Peace with Nature” is the theme of the UN COP16 biodiversity summit, which began in Colombia this week. understand better what is taking place at the summit, and what is at stake, read about the history of the UN biodiversity conferences and take a look at what is at its heart: the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), which includes the summit’s goals and 23 targets.
And here is Canada’s plan to achieve its biodiversity goals:
WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) has reviewed the world’s National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans and has revealed that the majority of countries are not fully honouring their commitments to halt and reverse Nature loss by 2030. In fact, only 10% of countries have submitted their updated plans for Nature. WWF has put out a tracker to show the current tangible action plans of individual nations to protect Nature. Which countries are doing best? Find out at
Unlike the annual UN climate change conference, the biodiversity summit only takes place every two years. Few heads of government attend it, and many thousand fewer people come than to the extravaganzas that are the climate change COPs, with all their slick negotiating groups and lobbyists (who often outnumber individual nation states’ delegates). It is utterly disgraceful that the United States hasn’t even ratified the GBF and essentially remains silent throughout the two weeks.
There have never been binding resolutions to lower carbon emissions, and nor have the biodiversity conferences conjured up real wins for Nature, although the December 2022 Montreal summit broke through some of the entrenched anti-Nature propaganda to move forward on giving Indigenous and global south voices a more powerful presence and voice. However, the lion’s share of financial benefits, including the possession and monetizing of digital sequence information (DSI) on genetic resources, still goes to the global north, when it is all too obvious that the southern hemisphere’s intact biosphere is what props up and feeds the massive extractive and consumeristic way of life of Canadians and Americans.
The goals of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity include DSI justice, halting human-induced extinction of threatened species and reducing the rate of extinction of all species tenfold by 2050, the sustainable use and management of biodiversity to ensure that Nature’s contributions to humans are valued, maintained and enhanced, and that adequate means of implementing the GBF be accessible to all parties, particularly least developed countries and small island developing states.
Not very long ago it was thought that plutocracies in the global north could pontificate with impunity on matters of carbon, fossil fuels, energy and economic success stories, and at the same time eke out some sort of ceasefire and even placate climate/biodiversity scientists and activists with false promises, without mentioning the real-in-your-face collapse of Nature, while the entreaties of the global south were barely noticeable. This greenwashing on the part of the fossil fuel industries is hardly in practice now because a new no-holds-barred acceleration of the oil/gas agenda has taken over. Empowered and emboldened by right-wing governments, they just don’t care what the scientific evidence presents.
This attitude reflects the Cartesian mind/body split that has caused over the centuries such suffering throughout the ecological world and beyond. The health of the Earth’s living body can’t be a separate issue from any other activity we might pursue. If governments truly wanted the biodiversity crisis to disappear, the biodiversity conference would have had equal status almost 30 years ago to the climate one, instead of being its poor cousin.
For many governments, including the general public, climate is a problem that until recently could be endlessly put off and therefore appeared more theoretical in nature. The climate summit has always had conflicting information showcased, and in many instances belligerent actors have torn down the case for immediate fossil fuel reductions that would give way to an overwhelming push for renewable energy and a lowering of carbon emissions. Now we know that an expanded and massive renewable infrastructure only enhances oil/gas production and gives more electricity to a spiralling artificial intelligence industry expansion, and at the same time emissions still rise to accommodate the insatiable greed of the global economy and technology.
The crucial matter of biosphere integrity is what any rational discussion should start with. There ain’t anything hypothetical about it. We either protect (and hopefully love) the Earth, or we destroy ourselves. That sentiment is hard to inculcate into classrooms when universities like Bishop’s are practically moribund when it comes to giving the general student population, and not just an elite few, the skills and the passion that would change the present curriculum apathy and turn around the overwhelming grief expressed by many students that accompanies the planetary crisis. The University of California at San Diego has made the right decision. Beginning in autumn 2024, all incoming students are required to take a class on climate change in order to graduate.
Susana Muhamad, the president of COP16 Colombia, who quit working for Shell years ago, had this to say about the goals of the conference: “The added value of holding COP16 in Colombia lies in our vision of ‘Peace with Nature’ and in recognizing that the real struggle of the 21st century is for life. If we succeed in transforming our relationship with Nature, as well as our production and consumption practices, and get collective actions to promote life instead of destroying it, we will be addressing the most important challenges of our time.”
As you will see, several world gatherings are taking place over the next two months. I will be writing about each of them. The first is COP16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Cali, Colombia fromOctober 21 to November 1 (also referred to as the Nature COP). This will be followed by COP29 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Baku, Azerbaijan from November 11 to 22 (also referred to as the climate COP), and COP16 of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), hosted in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from
December 2 to 13 (also referred to as the desertification COP).
If you find these large UN conferences daunting, you might be heartened by the existence of groups such as the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network International (WECAN), who will be present at COP16 in Colombia to champion the Rights of Nature.
Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring is a masterpiece that brings out all the interwoven magical world of Nature, but—even better—the oldest all-star band in existence is hitting the airwaves and raising millions to be spent on rejuvenating our biosphere. The name of the band is Nature. Nature is officially an artist! Listen to her music!
Our fear of placing limits on ourselves has huge consequences
“We need acts of restoration, not only for polluted waters and degraded lands, but also for our relationship to the world.”
-Robin Wall Kimmerer
Confession: I’ve always had a huge problem with the word “sustainability.” Last week I attended the inspirational Resurgence online Festival of Wellbeing, featuring, among other fine speakers, Robin Wall Kimmerer, scientist, professor, founder of the Center for Native Peoples and the Environment and author of Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants. Robin spoke about that problematic word, and she quoted what an Indigenous elder had to say about it: “That sounds to me like they’re trying to find a way to just keep on taking. It’s not our right to keep taking. When your feet hit the ground in the morning, we should be thinking, what can we give?”
The 27 September climate protest march starting from the Université de Sherbrooke (see photo) was supported by barely 200 people, with a smattering of elders and primary school students. The Université de Sherbrooke has a student population of tens of thousands, but where were they? Bishop’s University students were in short supply too. Despite the daily alarms sounded by climate scientists, who declare that with the ever-increasing rise in carbon emissions will come more and more catastrophes, what is going on with such a disengaged group?
Why won’t Canadian students do anything to help their own future?
Well, of course some students are rising up to challenge and change the narrative away from submission to a broken political agenda that only cares about more accumulation as opposed to one of inclusivity with Nature. All young adults need to embrace a new economic model and have a policy centred on degrowth. Survival depends on it.
If you are still not convinced, this talk is of critical importance for you:
In an article titled “La marche pour le climat a-t-elle encore un sens?” (“Does marching for the climate still make sense?”, Le Devoir, 1 October 2024) Juliette Husson confirms what so many of us feel: that in the midst of unprecedented Earth disasters, ecological matters are no longer being taken seriously by the governments, corporations or citizens of the global north. Husson concludes that it is vital to continue to protest, even though many people do not believe that protest is relevant or the priority while they are concerned about solving their perceived economic woes. Climate protests renew our commitment to Nature, Husson asserts.
Even the success of the Canadian carbon tax, which has helped reduce Canada’s carbon emissions and has put more money back in the pockets of lower-income families, is now being threatened by both the Conservatives and, bizarrely, the New Democratic Party.
Misinformation has contributed to a dangerous retreat from confronting climate risks, even though most people have seen how climate breakdown is showing up in their own vicinity; take last year’s Québec wildfires as our local example.
Truly wanting less, and even ultimately knowing that we have enough, is not an easy task to internalize if so many in our western society want more. (By the way, this conversation is not motivated by some plot to get the poor to accept a more debilitating poverty. A policy of austerity has already accelerated poverty. No: it is the top 10% of households that are ransacking the planet.)
There are so many questions as to why, how and when to create a rejuvenated society, but working against this realization is today’s corporate fetish-technology fundamentalism, which declares that all our ills will be solved by the future magic of technological innovation. In his article “Ironic and Tragic: Technological Fundamentalism and Our Fear of Limits,”Robert Jensen writes: “We lack strategies that we can implement tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t wrestle with the challenge today. It is ironic that technological fundamentalists believe we can do anything we set our minds to, except limit the voraciousness of the human enterprise.”
Working contrary to the anti-Nature pie-in-the-sky techno-fix delirium are many great thinkers, including Indigenous people and artists. On a global trajectory to realize a humane response, the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is in effect till 2030, alongside the Sustainable Development Goals. These endeavours cannot succeed too soon. Many people think this decade is humanity’s last chance to halt the climate and biodiversity crises.
Sometimes it feels that it is impossible to keep up with all the latest scientific and cultural news, which is intensifying. My file named “Biodiversity” has so many subjects of interest that I am adding a new file about the upcoming UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16) taking place in Colombia from October 21, 2024, because news reports and media announcements are soaring. The UN Climate Change Conference in Azerbaijan (COP29) beginning on 11 November this year is a separate file. The information I have accumulated on subjects from conservation, activism and ecocide to a plastics treaty is enormous. The abundance of information coming to us daily and the red flags that are increasingly attached must make us not only stop and consider where we went wrong but also reflect urgently on a system of knowledge and education that left out what is most important: our place in Nature—not beside Nature or playing the puppeteer for our distant cousin Nature.
The safe carbon level of 350 parts per million (ppm) in the atmosphere 35 years ago has now reached 421.9 ppm, never before realized since the dawn of humanity. We’d better re-evaluate what is important to us, because we have arrived at a rapidly shrinking window of opportunity to turn towards a clear and safe planetary response and act decisively for our long-term survival. The victims of Hurricane Helene know viscerally what survival means, as do many others in the seemingly endless cycles of catastrophic paths of ruined lives around the world because the global north can’t get its act together.
Could it be that the usual extreme-right demagogues’ mantra that sings about how down and out the economy is, or adding on to that, how immigrants are to blame for a undefined national malaise, has successfully permeated so deeply the public consciousness and is now a key reason that people refuse to pay attention to climate science? They feel perhaps that acting on climate/biodiversity issues should no longer be on the agenda, even though ecological health is the foundation for all economic wellbeing.
Trump’s “Make America Great Again” doesn’t include cleaning up air pollution or resolving how to reduce atmospheric carbon levels. Has all of his poisonous bluster finally infected the body politic to such a degree that most people really believe that the USA, or for that matter, Canada, is a failed nation because our pay cheques are not large enough to consume even more? Again, the notion of wanting less, for mainstream economists and not only would-be dictators, is a profoundly anti-capitalist concept and according to these people must be blotted out from any discussion that looks at our perceived ills.
In 1972 the Club of Rome published The Limits to Growth. This seminal book is even more relevant now. Each of us needs to reflect on our own propensity to demand more from a finite planet.

Earth’s corridor of life scorched by heatwaves
“I think calling it climate change is rather limiting. I would rather call it the everything change because when people think climate change, they think maybe it’s going to rain more or something like that. It’s much more extensive a change than that because when you change patterns of where it rains and how much and where it doesn’t rain, you’re also affecting just about everything. You’re affecting what you can grow in those places. You’re affecting whether you can live there. You’re affecting all of the species that are currently there.”
Margaret Atwood
There has been a flurry of activities at the United Nations this week. The Summit for the Future included a Pact for the Future with a Declaration for Future Generations. Following the summit, a day was set aside to address the existential threats posed by sea-level rise.
On September 26, the UN’s International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons again stressed a key goal of most UN members. At the same time, the UN Sustainability Development Goals are being heralded as key objectives even while they flounder before 2030, the date by which they are meant to be reached. World “leaders” debated all these issues.
These well-intentioned summits have brought into focus the enormous dangers that are now upon us. The following article lays out some of those climate realities. Let’s hope that governments wake up to their responsibilities while there is still time.
The polycrisis mentioned by Margaret Atwood is transforming every aspect of life on Earth. Health, world cultures, ecological integrity, political stability, social justice and Earth systems are fraying rapidly as a direct result of the burning of fossil fuels,
The acceleration of extreme temperatures in the 21st century was particularly intense in 2023. It’s hard to forget the massive air pollution and ecological devastation brought on by Québec’s wildfires, which caused 15 million hectares to burn, seven times the yearly rate in the last 40 years.
Recently the global flooding of 2024 hit Central Europe. Meanwhile in Brazil, the doubling in one year alone to 3.3 million hectares scorched in August’s wildfires resulted from the accompanying mega droughts. All this was caused by a 165-year rampage of unabated destructive fossil fuel carbon colonialism, which has brought mayhem to all parts of the world.
The world is now experiencing flash droughts as well as flash floods. Scientists now speak of “climate whiplash,” when wild swings in weather have devastating consequences. Abrupt transitions from drought to flood and vice versa are intensifying. But this climate whiplash is becoming even more prevalent with our winter’s increasingly early transition to spring. A sudden heatwave at the beginning of March will cause trees to produce flowers that will die in the subsequent freeze. Maple syrup production has become more and more unpredictable. As usual these extreme events are impacting the global south’s ability to cope. And they exact an ever-increasing toll on animal health and are ultimately pushing forward extinctions.
The new levels of heat are responsible for endless infernos/flooding/pollution, but these same scourges, self-inflicted by humans, have spawned the spread of unanticipated health risks. Phoenix, Arizona recently experienced 113 consecutive days on which the temperature reached at least 37.7C, causing massive health issues. And it is not only landmasses that are succumbing to these ever-intensifying heatwaves. In the Mediterranean region, which is warming 20% faster than the global average, water temperature is expected to rise by between 1.8C and 3.5C by 2100.
But to better take in how climate warming has infiltrated all aspects of life on Earth, here is one more astonishing example: heatwaves in Zimbabwe and Siberia have released previously dormant anthrax spores in the soil, killing thousands of animals and some humans.
The climate scientist Johan Rockström put humanity’s planetary crises into undeniable focus with his 2009 “planetary boundaries,” which show graphically the limits our Earth system will tolerate, riddled by human interference, before it is destabilized. Climate heating and biosphere integrity are just two boundaries in the framework that can tip all the others. Rockström has called the Holocene epoch the “corridor of life,” as these last 12,000 years of stability gave humans the ability to flourish. “The planetary boundary (PB) approach aims to define a safe operating space for human societies to develop and thrive, based on our evolving understanding of the functioning and resilience of the Earth system,” Rockström writes.
In an important no-nonsense appraisal of where our Earth system is heading, Rockström’s recent TED Talk describes our grave situation as an “act now” emergency.
Upending the Holocene’s climate predictability is also turning up the heat for democracies. Peaceful protest has always been regarded as a pillar of democracy. Now the right to assemble for climate demonstrations is being crushed by many so-called free states. Long prison sentences have been imposed to suppress and deter protests that highlight climate breakdown and the lack of political will to stop it.
A recent New York Times article, “How Extreme Heat Is Threatening Education Progress Worldwide,” explains how climate chaos has impacted children’s ability to go to school and concentrate in many of those countries that did not contribute to this heatwave crisis. Yes, heatwaves caused by accelerating climate breakdown are a social justice issue. What child can learn when the temperature is 38C? Unlike their grandparents, millions of students are missing weeks of school.
However, it is not only disadvantaged children who are suffering during these unprecedented heatwaves. Many construction workers have died recently because they are not being allowed to take extra breaks in conditions of extreme heat. “Even as extreme heat raged across the southern United States this summer, the governors of Florida and Texas struck down heat protections for outdoor workers. Construction companies and agricultural firms lobbied against the rights of workers to water, shade and rest breaks when temperatures soar,” writes George Monbiot in The Guardian.
And let’s clearly understand that escalating wars multiply the risks for an already fragile Earth balance both ecologically and socially, and push otherwise commendable and positive Earth solutions off the priority lists of war-zone embattled governments. Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan, Myanmar and at least ten other countries are affected by wars that kill, contaminate, and produce even more carbon pollution.
On top of this, “democratic” governments are sanctioning and enabling international arms trading. In a webinar I attended recently, hosted by Campaign Against Arms Trade, an extremely knowledgeable panel discussed the unparalleled access that large arms manufacturers have to the highest levels of government, even though those companies do not bring large economic benefits.
Bluntly said, the blowing up of oil refineries and dams using bombs provided by western countries causes untold environmental destruction, thereby accelerating even more intense heatwaves.
Often not associated with planetary concerns is “ecotourism,” of which I will write more in a forthcoming article. Building hotels and boutique resorts in or beside nationally and internationally recognized parks and ecologically sensitive zones that are often protected by Indigenous people and farmers is a major source of strife. Degrading areas so that rich tourists can view sanitized landscapes that then suffer landslides and other whiplash climate eventualities must be a priority for governments to prohibit instead of promoting. One such assault that is currently occurring is in the UNESCO World Heritage Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve in southern India, where multinational hotel franchises are swaying local officials to wreak havoc.
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson is a marine biologist and policy expert who has just published What If We Get It Right? Visions of Climate Futures, a book of essays, poetry and conversations from many of the world’s most engaged voices, who write passionately and embrace a pathway away from heatwaves, climate breakdown and biodiversity loss. The question, “What If…?” is one we must not leave to others. Rather, we must act as if a better climate future is possible. There are solutions.
Uncertain future for family planning on World Population Day
“Even if there were no environmental pressures caused by population growth, we should still support the measures required to tackle it: universal sex education, universal access to contraceptives, better schooling and opportunities for poor women. Stabilising or even reducing the human population would ameliorate almost all environmental impacts.”
George Monbiot, author and journalist
“The UN has been over-anticipating fertility decline and underestimating population growth.”
Jane N. O’Sullivan, population and climate change researcher
World Population Day is July 11 and its purpose since 1990 has been to highlight major social justice and environmental concerns relating to human population.
Although the UN has dedicated resources to do more to protect women’s right to be in control of their fertility, 40% of women have still not achieved this. Cutting back on family planning initiatives, even in the United States, has forced many more women and children into poverty. Furthermore, population growth in general makes those very voluntary family planning goals more difficult to achieve. Although fertility rates are lower in many parts of the world, this will have very limited impact on population growth in this century. If the ecological foundations for human wellbeing are to be stabilized and enhanced, society must look to other ways than solely fertility rates to bring this about. As we will see, a smaller population brings many benefits. Economic growth does not necessarily translate into a healthier society. On the contrary, degrowth policies can have more positive outcomes.
In a 2023 article, Jane Nancy O’Sullivan put forward the strong argument that the models showing a levelling off of population growth are inaccurate and that in the long run it will be only by family planning that world populations will decrease. “The common assumptions that fertility decline is driven by economic betterment, urbanization or education levels are not well supported in historical evidence. In contrast, voluntary family planning provision and promotion achieved rapid fertility decline, even in poor, rural and illiterate communities. Projections based on education and income as drivers of fertility decline ignore the reverse causation, that lowering fertility through family planning interventions enabled economic advancement and improved women’s education access…”
And in a recent interview, O’Sullivan pointed out: “Family planning in Africa is no substitute for reducing the footprint of the rich countries, but even if we do the latter perfectly, we’ll still fail if world population is too high. And it would be people in high-fertility countries who’d suffer most.”
The opportunity to have an education increases literacy rates, and this in turn enables women to have a stronger voice in a country’s affairs. Today only six countries have 50% or more women in their parliaments, thereby enabling women to influence the national legislation to bring justice for more women: family planning ultimately gives greater prosperity to girls and women when they are heard.
Large families can mean far fewer opportunities for children, and unbridled population growth in a country can plague that country’s ability to provide better health care, education, infrastructure and biodiversity protection as well as to ensure that social justice issues are addressed.
Paul Ehrlich and John Holdren’s famous paradigm I = PAT (Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology), developed in 1970, has been successfully used to show what drives ecological destruction. “Population” is the number of humans, and “Affluence” refers to lifestyles. “Technology” includes all the ways in which aspirations are achieved, so the typical billionaire’s four homes and use of private planes would strongly contribute to that person’s impact on the planet. Population will also strongly influence the equation. The impact of the world’s 2.5 billion humans on the planet in the 1950s was far less than that of today’s 8 billion-plus population.
Global Footprint Network assesses population’s impact on the biosphere in relation to the total biocapacity of the Earth. It looks at how most global north individuals, businesses and governments use, through consumerism as one example, more resources in a given year than the Earth can regenerate, and the entire world then suffers for their excesses.
In 2024, August 1 is Earth Overshoot Day, the day it is calculated that humans will have bankrupted the Earth’s ability to hold its own for the year. David Lin, Science Director of Global Footprint Network, emphasizes its value: “The persistence of overshoot, for over half a century, has led to declines in biodiversity, excess greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and heightened competition for food and energy. Symptoms are becoming more prominent with unusual heat waves, forest fires, droughts, and floods.”
Global Footprint Network states: “If every other family had one less child and parenthood was postponed by two years, by 2050 we would move Overshoot Day 49 days.”
The deprioritization of population stabilization started in 1994 at the landmark International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo. Since that time less and less money has been given to family planning programmes. The paradigm of endless growth has tragically permeated almost all political leaders’ actions.
An article last week in The Guardian/Observer’s business section, “The Baby Bust: How Britain’s Falling Birthrate Is Creating Alarm in the Economy,” spits out all the old and disproven alarmist status quo corporate/government negative bluster regarding lower fertility rates. Only a sentence or two is begrudgingly given over to women who for very valid reasons don’t want children. This reactionary article in a supposedly liberal newspaper vividly tells us how hard women have to fight to secure their rights for a better future.
It’s vital to link the state of Nature and population issues. Edward O. Wilson’s 2016 book, Half-Earth: Our Planet’s Fight for Life makes the case for protecting half the surface of the Earth and thereby triumphantly saving perhaps 80 percent or more of its biodiversity. Mass extinction, ecological collapse and climate breakdown could be avoided. Wilson’s seminal work on island ecology in the 1960s led him to believe that the entire world’s ecological stability is found on those series of islands surrounded by human habitation, and it is in exactly that fragile habitat found on islands that an equilibrium is found and needs protection. Wilson stressed the need for Indigenous peoples to stay in those biodiverse regions, and that other people could still visit or live there, but that Nature needs to be the priority, as without it humanity would be destroyed. Wilson knew that to effectively conserve biodiversity, stewardship begins with having Indigenous communities represented in all decision-making.
The respect for incorporating traditional knowledge and for the inalienable right of Indigenous peoples to speak for and protect biodiversity has been acknowledged by the UN and in ecological studies.
In December 2022 the target to protect 30 percent of Nature by 2030 won approval at the UN biological diversity conference in Montreal. For Wilson, that 30 percent was not nearly good enough. Before he died in 2021, he said that Half-Earth was his last wish. “I dream that I could have had a major influence in moving global conservation ahead.”
So if, in the near term, population growth will continue and not contribute significantly to social justice and ecologically positive outcomes for humanity and the rest of biodiversity, determined citizens must steadfastly take up the mantle for a thriving and vibrant green world order and push for just legislation and community involvement that reflect a commitment to protect Earth’s inhabitants. There are a thousand ways for this to happen.
“Courage is the resolve to do well without the assurance of a happy ending.”
Kate Marvel, climate scientist
The Peace of Wild Things
When despair for the world grows in me
Wendell Berry
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Multiple pathways can lead us to climate action
“We need courage, not hope, to face climate change. But the scale of climate change engulfs even the most fortunate. Courage is the resolve to do well without the assurance of a happy ending.”
Kate Marvel, climate scientist
Our determination to set in motion a community-based ecological transformation can be discovered in a plethora of ways. The arts, farming, meditation, a liberal arts education, scientific avenues, religious practices and political conversations are all possible entry points to discussions that include Nature as our focal point.
On June 13 I attended a two-hour gathering in Sherbrooke’s Baobab Café community space facilitated by Observatoire estrien du développement des communautés [OEDC](Eastern Townships Signpost for Community Development), a nonprofit organization that has been engaged with our population since 2006. []
The first of a series of workshops, the gathering brought together people of all ages to better understand the direction our community is striving for. Through a series of fifteen multiple-choice questions, each with three or four possible responses, we were asked what we collectively need to drive the values of our societies. Do we remain in an technocratic, capitalist, anthropocentric sphere, or do we transition towards a more democratic, social justice focused, ecocentric community? OEDC wishes to help its members, both individuals and organizations, to ferry themselves along that transition.
After two hours it was very clear that the Township citizens wanted to initiate actions that were firmly tethered to an ecocentric transition. We need to examine our role in this dangerous age of advancing climate breakdown and biodiversity loss and accelerating pollution. At the end of the workshop we discussed briefly local questions such as “Are we aware of the ecological issues in Sherbrooke?” Although I found some of the questions and particularly the answer options to be too vague, limited and overlapping, this was the first community meeting and I would expect future conversations to delve more deeply into collective actions that urgently need to be taken if, as they suggest, a “better way of life” is to be achieved. Although we wore name stickers, there was not enough time to get to know the other people present, or to discuss the questions in depth: that will come in future workshops. But what was abundantly clear was that OEDC got 35 strangers together and wish to help foster collective action.
Tragically, it is also clear that Nature activists around the world are being relegated to the sidelines in the quest by governments, corporations, institutions and individuals to grab more extractive resources to the extreme detriment of Nature and non-western societies. By pushing at a feverish pace, corporations sing the praises of consumerism, but by in doing so they are sending democracy into a downward spiral that will undeniably place many of the promising achievements to protect Nature in utter jeopardy. This is not a harbinger of prosperity, but a death wish. Trump, Putin and company have made no secret of the fact that they wish to dismantle decades of protection.
Even in the European Union, the 2024 parliamentary election could see the rescinding of the positive green biodiversity legislation of 2019, which would be lamented as a sought-after but failed attempt to enshrine eco-centric policy firmly in EU law. Those Earth-focused laws were at last to permeate all future activities and result in a long-held commitment to end, and thus heal, humans’ war against Nature that is best epitomized by our relentless use of fossil energies.
In the UK, outgoing Green Party MP Caroline Lucas has long been a staunch advocate for Nature, but she warns us that we now risk shoring up the status quo by not challenging more vigorously the anthropomorphic economic and political rulebooks of most governments and corporations. This is not the time to give into malevolent populists.
We don’t want to see the heady rise of youth participation and protest fizzle out. The days of half a million climate protesters in Montréal need to transform into an increasingly invigorated activist-driven Earth agenda that can take the form, for example, of individuals coming together to refuse to pay for services that contravene health and ecologically safe practices, as demonstrated in unsafe water and sewerage policies. []
A massive wave of invigorated Earth-saving climate activism is called for. Youth Climate Lab [] brings the world’s young activists together to stitch a powerful network of effervescent unstoppable voices into an eco-centric movement. “We enable young people to become leaders in the climate space by empowering them with skills, financial access and policy knowledge through the creation of tools and programs.”
Indigenous education centres reconnect and reaffirm humanity’s place in Nature. The Ulnooweg Education Centre in Nova Scotia is “Inspiring Indigenous communities through a holistic educational approach through initiatives in science & innovation, agriculture, and health while revitalizing Indigenous culture and language for the benefit of all youth and communities.” []
In the political domain, will climate scientist Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo’s success in the Mexican presidential election translate into climate progress? Mexico can and should transition away from its dependence on fossil fuels.
Meanwhile, Extinction Rebellion’s world agenda keeps it in the news by celebrating non-violent protest. []
An article in The New York Times brings home the contradictory values that underpin many of the elite universities’ overwhelmingly progressive student perspectives. “Introspection is required when we speak of progressives. Symbolic progressive actions are many times a smokescreen to do nothing… Land acknowledgments—when people open public events by naming the Indigenous peoples who had their land stolen from them—are the quintessential progressive gesture… The lesson for those of us in the educated class is to seriously reform the system we have created or be prepared to be run over.”
Can our Earth actions be rooted in/derived from our subconscious? “First and foremost we have to challenge our own memory, our own forgetfulness, our ancestral memories…” []
Whether we once more go out into the night to listen to the nightingales, or to the birds of North America, our actions will be shaped by our depth of connection to Nature.
Apocalyptic future can be avoided by citizens asking for less
“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it emotionally.”
Flannery O’Connor
“It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents men from living freely and nobly.”
Bertrand Russell
Last Saturday in Paris a woman placed a blood-red poster over “Les Coquelicots” (“Poppies”) by the French impressionist painter Claude Monet, saying: “This nightmarish image awaits us if no alternative is put in place.” The nightmare is runaway climate heating and biodiversity loss. The painting, depicting Nature’s beauty, is not the first to have been defaced. Young activists point to Earth treasures that will be lost. Of course these actions are meant to shock. If the portrayal of Nature is so revered, why do we allow Nature, which inspired the painting, to be desecrated? People need to accept that having less, especially in the global north, but also demanding less, will rejuvenate Earth.
I approached Teresa Bassaletti, director of Sherbrooke’s centre for women immigrants, a few weeks ago to ask her whether immigrants, including refugees the centre supports, feel traumatized when they hear the sound of fireworks. Her answer was swift: the fireworks sound like bombs going off and the women she knows want those massive explosions, which happen frequently in summer, to end. Furthermore, there are readily available alternatives that don’t recreate the sounds of war. As a result of our conversation, Teresa and I, accompanied by seven women from the centre, went to speak to Sherbrooke city council at their public meeting on May 21. Teresa told the council that the fireworks affect the women’s lives by bringing back nightmarish memories. Many refugees suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Although chair of the meeting councillor Raïs Kibonge and mayor Évelyne Beaudin welcomed the testimony and empathized with the refugees, it isn’t clear whether the council will support a ban on fireworks when they sign a new contract with La Fête du Lac des Nations in the coming months. Will the pro-fireworks lobby be too much to withstand? A strategy is now coming to fruition for the Sherbrooke council to be in no doubt as to how immigrants and other Sherbrooke citizens are affected by those war-like sounds.
Two weeks ago I mentioned in an article that smoking ads are widely prohibited and that climate offensive products should be too, including advertising for pick-up trucks and other large vehicles. One major city council in Scotland has done just that. You won’t see any advertising for fossil-fuel-powered cars, or indeed for cruise ships or airlines, on city buses or land owned by the city of Edinburgh, because the council believes that the high carbon emissions associated with such activities are incompatible with net zero ambitions.
Scotland’s capital is not the only city in the UK to ban advertisements that promote irresponsible fossil fuel use. Advertisements that show cars driving up roadless pristine mountains or forging rivers are no longer to be tolerated. Toyota’s ad campaign “Born to Roam” (all over every corner of the planet) has been banned by the UK’s regulatory Advertising Standards Authority.
“SUVs are being sold on a false promise of rugged adventure exploiting imagery of the natural world,” said Adfree Cities’ co-director Veronica Wignall. “In reality, SUVs are harming Nature, polluting our air, clogging up our cities and causing tragic loss of life.”
Being climate/biodiversity literate informs us that we need to put into action what we have learnt from science and must go on to divest from many of our global north entitlements. It is not only universities, pension funds and banks that are finally being forced to take notice. Yet many of us wish to rationalize and bargain our way out of any perceived inconveniences. Recently someone told me that because they didn’t have any children they felt comfortable with flying whenever they wished, because having children is one of the major sources of more intensive consumerism and a higher carbon footprint. Comparing apples with oranges? As most of us are aware, children’s lives aren’t solely measured by their carbon footprint, and climate literate parents can inspire their children to have a very prudent consumer mindfulness throughout their lives.
Although it’s true that one of the most efficient ways to lower an individual’s carbon footprint is to have fewer children (notably in the global north), this “educated” person thought it was their right to pollute on an equal carbon level to that of a parent. Of course an Indian child’s carbon budget wouldn’t even get you to the airport. Take a private plane? Sure, they said, even though a private plane pollutes ten times as much per passenger as a commercial one does.
By hook or by crook that person demands their “credits” to add to planetary pollution. It sounds like an insane climate game to keep up with the Joneses—and the endgame is guaranteed climate destruction. That person reminded me of a pouting infant demanding her pound of goodies after seeing the baby next door devouring a corresponding mound of junk. This perverse “argument” promoting essentially rampant individualism is a legacy of capitalism gone wild. If all of us only respond to realizing our own wishes, shielded from consequences, oblivious to others, and refuse to be climate literate and protect the Earth for future generations, all is definitely lost. The 10% of the world’s population that is steadily ransacking the health of the other 90% needs to back off. Being climate/biodiversity criminals is not what humans should aspire to.
Conversations that centre on degrowth actions by individuals, communities, corporations and governments need to be accelerated. Inspired by John Lewis Gaddis’s On Grand Strategy, the means and ends to fulfill desire or indeed achieve anything not only need to reflect the capacity to do so, but also should be tethered and tempered by a global ethic that mirrors the beauty and fragility of this world.
Knowingly pursuing a course of action that increases carbon emissions should be a global criminal offence. While Biden is refusing to allow more natural gas export terminals in the United States, Greece, which produces 70% of its electricity from renewables, has emerged as a exporter of natural gas to Central Europe and beyond—but the gas is being imported first from the US! As Canadians know all too well, we have taken part in that extravaganza of gas exporting, which has a terrible climate and biodiversity cost.
Despite the world gas industry branding their production as a “transition fossil fuel” leading to a renewable energy commitment, their actions prove that this is not their intention. The rush to cash in on gas exports after the Ukraine war began has created on a global scale a huge hindrance to moving briskly towards renewable energies, even though solar and wind power are cheaper than the production of methane gas. (“Natural gas” is a slick way of saying it must be good if the gas is “natural,” even though methane is in the near term a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.)
Demanding that the natural world be subjugated so that those super-consumers can have it all must be stopped. Climate/biodiversity literacy starts at home. Ask yourself if you truly need those outdoor lights on all night. Scientists tell us that natural nighttime darkness is essential for insects and other animals to thrive. If we are to help the myriad forms of life to heal, can we not also be quieter? Noise is a major contributor to wildlife stress, including by not giving animals a quiet space from dusk to daylight. Fireworks are a real problem for wildlife, and allowing the use of seismic reflection for ocean oil exploration interferes severely with the ability of many marine species to function.
World Environment Day took place on June 5, focusing this year on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience. Saudi Arabia is the “host” country for the discussions, even though it is in no small part responsible for worldwide habitat loss, desertification and drought. How could the UN allow one of the world’s largest oil producers to be the poster child for the UN’s oldest Nature education day? Nothing can change until we recalibrate, recreate and recall our seamless integration within Nature.
“In proportion as [a person] simplifies [their] life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness.”
Henry David Thoreau
Climate literacy starts with recognising that we are part of Nature
“I’d make this the lead story in every paper and newscast on the planet. If we don’t understand the depth of the climate crisis, we will not act in time.”
—Bill McKibben, co-founder of
“Half of our climate debt is hidden under the carpet of a forgiving planet. If we don’t protect it, we will cause unstoppable, permanent, and irreversible damage.”
—Johan Rockström, joint director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Last week several days focused on our planet’s ecological wellbeing – Endangered Species Day, May 17; World Bee Day, May 20; International Day for Biological Diversity, May 22; World Turtle Day, May 23.World Environment Day follows on June 5. These days celebrate the natural world and educate the public to be more involved with it. They are there to inform all governments too: the basis for all economics is Nature. It is vital to encourage climate and biodiversity literacy. But, as an amazing and engaging website makes clear, knowing about the climate begins with the recognition that we are one with Nature:
But who is listening? People are flying more, taking cruises to formerly off-limits places such as Antarctica, and unabashedly are demanding bigger cars, all of which is astounding in light of recent world climate catastrophes. Humans appear to be living on two parallel planets: one that supports and is interlinked with Nature, and another that is encased in a human construct that knows no self-restraint and indeed flouts the most basic communion with others. (One new condominium complex in Florida has a private lift not only for you but also for your vehicle, so you needn’t ever meet anyone…)
As an example of this self-siloed individualism, over the last several months I have pointedly noticed an explosion of pickup trucks on our roads. Not only does their sheer size (and in particular the height of their front fenders) make these super-SUVs more dangerous to other road users in a collision, but they are also adding to an already alarming rise in emissions. Just last week global atmospheric CO2 emissions reached a disastrous 426 parts per million (ppm), the highest level since 4 million years ago. (This is 426 molecules of carbon dioxide in one million molecules of air.) Scientists have shown 350 ppm to be the highest safe level. It is as if people are no longer satisfied with having an SUV, which is destructive enough, and now they need to go for broke. I call this the “Pickup Culture,” whereby you can pick up nods of approval from other people for your status-riddled acquisition. Most people put very little in the cargo space.
Of course, farmers and tradespeople need a vehicle that can transport heavy building materials and farm equipment, but the articles I have read on the subject point to conspicuous consumption as the main objective in having an $80,000 Tesla Cybertruck or other off-road pickup vehicle that is constantly being promoted as a crash-through-river-and-mountain anti-Nature statement. Indeed, as most countries now ban smoking advertising, those perverse car ads that proclaim omniscient power over Nature are toxic and should not be allowed either! The global north’s 10% of world population is defined by a super consumerism whose shopping sprees seems to be limitless. No wonder climate scientists are in despair.
A few weeks ago, the $34 billion Edmonton to Burnaby Trans Mountain Expansion 980 km pipeline began filling with bitumen to be exported to all parts of the planet. Climate/biodiversity activists, including many Indigenous communities as well as other citizens across Canada grieved upon hearing this news, and with good reason. The pipeline will soon deliver 144,000 barrels a day. This amount will go up over the coming years, but for the sake of a minuscule quantity of the dirtiest and most energy-intensive oil produced on the planet, pristine terrain has been sacrificed, Indigenous territory violently expropriated, and the British Columbian coast put in jeopardy.
Add to this oil tanker traffic polluting with more fossil fuel to get the oil to market, and the project is untenable; include, too, new Alaskan and Ugandan pipelines further adding oil to the daily world usage. Remember that the world currently burns almost 100 million barrels of oil each day! What sort of human gives the green light to build an oil pipeline in the face of accelerating climate change? Clearly there are plenty of us who would do so. Avarice is not in short supply.
The Pickup Culture is only too happy to bleed Earth dry in order to be cool. And although the vast majority of young people want a climate action plan to be implemented now, 10% of Earth’s population is all too content to open the oil spigot. Americans and Canadians burn around ten times more fossil energy than Indians do. So-called educated people continue to fly or take cruise ships, both of which use vast amounts of oil. Amazingly, many cruises are promoted by National Geographic which receives millions in revenue when rich North Americans fly to southern Chile and take small cruise ships to see penguins and icebergs in Antarctica, along with a National Geographic wildlife photographer who accompanies them to document that they saw these animals before they disappeared because of climate breakdown. Talk about blowing your life’s complete carbon budget.
At the same time, young people try to take their governments to court to argue that a failure to protect them from climate breakdown is unjust. Most of the time, these court hearings are stopped. One major trial in Oregon ended abruptly this last week. Meanwhile, the following website unflinchingly lays out the role banks play in funding our collective 10% global north madness:
At the same time, in northern Ontario the Omushkego people are protecting what they call the Breathing Lands, as their lands contain vast peat bogs that hold immense quantities of carbon. They wish to protect an area five times the size of Nova Scotia.
Please read the UN Emissions Gap Report 2020 to better understand the “the role of equitable low-carbon lifestyles.”
Not sure of all the information you need to be climate literate? A fantastic booklet, Atlas of Climate Change: Changes in the Atmosphere and Risks of Warming enhances our climate/biodiversity literacy. It was written by scientists for the general public to have an informed and strong foundation to make Earth-friendly decisions.
We know that conservation actions make a huge difference. A new report points out that great success has come by doggedly pursuing biodiversity goals., and a recent meeting attended by all countries connected to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity made headway to protect Nature at the upcoming conference in Colombia this autumn.
Finally, a world symposium on climate literacy will take place online this September. The organizers say: “The many challenges posed by climate change outline the need for climate change literacy… As climate change affects all sectors of society, climate literacy is necessary for everyone, from policy-makers and scientists to students and the general public, ensuring a well-informed community ready to tackle these challenges effectively.”
We dance round in a ring and suppose,
—Robert Frost
But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.
Giving young people a public voice: a conversation with Ugandan climate/biodiversity activist Nicholas Omonuk
This is a conversation featuring a dedicated young man who has worked tirelessly to bring climate/biodiversity awareness to many schools and communities in Uganda. I first spoke with Nicholas in a global online meeting of people who were discussing climate breakdown.
Nicholas, please tell us a little about your life when you were growing up.
I grew up in a rural community of Pallisa in Eastern Uganda in a pastoralist family. My family heavily relied on livestock as a critical source of food, labour and milk.
In our tribe the boys are meant to take livestock for grazing, and the girls fetch water for home use. Through this combined effort there is equal delegation of tasks and in such a way we would be able to have water at home and keep our livestock healthy. My father would sell milk, livestock and cash crops like cotton so that he could pay our school fees and handle the basic needs at home.
As I grew up we faced severe droughts, which dried up most of the seasonal wells that provided water in the village and to livestock in the community. The droughts not only depleted our water wells and grazing lands but also resulted in food scarcity. Together with my brothers, I embarked on extensive journeys with livestock in search of accessible water and grassy areas located kilometres away from their residence. We would leave at about 9am after breakfast and come back at around 2 or 3pm.
Simultaneously, my sisters also had to walk longer distances to fetch water from the nearest available water wells and boreholes that still had some water. Although the water was not clean enough, they did not have a choice but to fetch that water. Our livestock grew malnourished and it became difficult to sell them at a fair market price. Fruits and crops also dried up. Since my father could not get enough money to fend for us, he resorted to rearing chickens to raise extra income. He would sell a tray of eggs for roughly US$2.5, which was below the market price.
In 2017, I graduated from high school and because I performed well I was given a scholarship to Kyambogo University, a glimmer of hope for me because it enabled me to study for a bachelor’s in surveying in the School of Built Environment, graduating in 2023.
Did you embrace your connection with Nature as a young child, or was it through your education that you slowly felt such an affinity for Nature and the need to protect it?
I think for me the connection with Nature was already there. I loved climbing the trees to pick fresh mangoes, and I would climb tamarind trees in my grandfather’s compound to pick and taste the fruits. We also had jackfruit, passion fruits, banana plantations, cotton, cassava and sweet potatoes. Getting these fruits fresh from the garden was exciting for me and was an exercise in trying to explore each one. We also had many trees around our compound and I noticed that some would shed leaves during droughts.
I didn’t really know as a teen that I had to protect all that we had until I reached the university. Things are different now. I no longer see so many bees in the compound, and it’s difficult to find even a single snake there, yet back in the day you would encounter a snake at almost every tree you climbed. I don’t see squirrels any more, and I don’t see any fireflies at night. So much has changed.
When did you become an activist?
I found out about climate change from the university in 2021. Discovering that the droughts that I had faced as a teen were a result of climate change, I decided to do research and take steps to fight it so that communities like mine don’t have to face the same issues that ours faced. I knew I couldn’t do much at the time, so I decided to become a climate and biodiversity activist to spread more awareness about how climate change is affecting East African communities.
Do you and your fellow activists think you have made a difference in opposing ecocide?
I think we are making a difference. One thing we have done is educate communities about climate change. We have also planted trees in over 100 schools, and we have received a good success report of those trees surviving. Besides doing community work, we have organized campaigns on the protection of forests in Uganda like Bugoma Forest and Mabira Forest, which have been threatened by deforestation due to human activity. We have also been campaigning against the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) to protect human rights, ecosystems and our climate.
Uganda calls itself a parliamentary democracy, but one party, whose leader, Yoweri Museveni, is president of Uganda, has oppressed the opposition to such a degree that there really is only one political group. Human Rights Watch has documented human rights abuses. What is your vision for Uganda’s democracy and its ecological heritage?
I envision our democracy as one where communities are involved in most of the decision-making processes. One thing about our country is that the minority in power make decisions for their own selfish benefit without involving the community. There is a lot of corruption, tribalism and nepotism. At the same time, the opposition is prone to oppression and the risk of loss of life.
I would love to see a country where there is freedom of speech, where communities have a right to say no if they are not involved in any decision-making processes, and where there is a balance between the opposition and the ruling party.
Nicholas has shown great courage and dedication in climate/biodiversity action. Here he tells me of the impacts of a major oil pipeline that, if built, would run through Uganda and Tanzania.
The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) is a 1443-kilometre pipeline being built by TotalEnergies, China National Offshore Oil Company and the state-owned Uganda National Oil Company with the Tanzania National Oil Company to transport oil produced from Uganda’s Lake Albert oilfields to the port of Tanga in Tanzania. Nicholas, please tell our readers why you and other activists in Uganda are adamantly opposed to this pipeline.
We are against the pipeline for a number of reasons:
• Displacement and loss of livelihoods
The construction of the EACOP has resulted in the forced displacement of local communities, who have lost their lands and properties. People have been relocated without fair compensation. The project has left these people without farms, money for education, adequate shelter, and a sense of belonging, leading to increased food insecurity for those affected.
• Environmental consequences
The pipeline’s route crosses more than 200 water bodies, which are vital sources of food, provide habitat for diverse animal species, and support biodiversity. The project endangers life both underwater and on land, jeopardizing ecosystems and the livelihoods of people dependent on these resources.
Besides that, some of the oil wells for the pipeline are located in the middle of Murchison Falls National Park, which is home to threatened wildlife.
• Human–animal conflicts
The noise from the oil drilling has driven animals out of their usual territories and onto people’s land, leading to conflict between wild animals and humans. Local people’s lives are at risk, and as of today at least six people have been killed by elephants in villages around Murchison Falls National Park.
• Climate change impact
One of the most significant global challenges we face is climate change. It is estimated that the EACOP project will emit over 34 million tonnes of CO2 every year, contributing to global warming. The consequences of this will include more frequent floods, heatwaves, droughts, landslides and heavy rains. While Uganda and Africa as a whole emit a fraction of global carbon emissions, they bear the brunt of the climate crisis. This raises critical questions about fairness in addressing climate change.
• Oppression and restrictions
Climate activists and others who have tried to oppose the project have faced severe oppression from Oil Taskforce police and the army. In addition, people are not allowed to fish or farm in areas close to the site, evidenced by the capture of fishing boats from locals who try to fish around there.
Climate activists have faced illegal detention, beatings, arrests and blackmail.
Various pro-Nature groups have accused TotalEnergies of being perpetrators of “climaticide.” Do you agree with them?
Yes. TotalEnergies is responsible for over 40 million tonnes of CO2 emissions. This means that it has made an immense contribution to the climate crisis. Besides that, most of the TotalEnergies projects have had appalling effects on human rights, ecosystems, and the health and livelihoods of people in the global south.
In your opinion, can the global south, of which Uganda is a part, prevail in its insistence on social and ecological justice as a prerequisite for an equitable relationship with a post-colonial global north that can finally bring colonialism to an end?
I believe the global south can prevail in instilling social and ecological justice. Most people in the global south are very much connected with Nature and ecosystems. To them land means food for their children, it means cultural heritage, it’s their home, it’s their source of income, and it’s also where they seek medication when they fall sick.
If global north countries do not tamper with our land, with our resources, I believe we can have social and ecological justice. Before colonialism and the scramble for and partition of Africa, people used to live in harmony with each other and with Nature.
I think if local communities are allowed to decide on their own what they do with their land, and whether they favour any specific fossil fuel project, it will be easy to have social justice. I think that before any project is set up in any global south country the different risks should be analyzed, and if they are great then the project has to be stopped without causing any damage. But with corruption and capitalism it has been easy to set up such disastrous projects that affect our climate and biodiversity.
Nicholas plans to attend the next UN climate conference with other young people from the global south. As a result of his direct experience of UN climate conferences in Egypt and the UAE, he feels strongly that the meetings offer young people an important opportunity to exchange ideas about how to protect our planet. He also hopes to study for a master’s degree in climate and society.
Please visit to better understand how disastrous the oil pipeline is for the people of Uganda, Tanzania and the rest of the world. You can also help by signing petitions mentioned on the website.
“The proposed route looks almost as if it were drawn to endanger as many animals as possible.”
Bill McKibben, climate/biodiversity activist
