Archive for the ‘Nature Articles’ Category
The Precautionary Principle: Why won’t North Americans apply it to Climate Change?
James Hansen is arguably the most famous and brave climate scientist living today. He was asked to give evidence on behalf of a group of protesters who had broken into a coal-fired power plant in Britain and caused $70,000 worth of damage; the six activists did not deny what they did. “The not-guilty verdict, delivered after two days and greeted with cheers in the courtroom, raises the stakes for the most pressing issue on Britain’s green agenda and could encourage further direct action. The defense of “lawful excuse” under the Criminal Damage Act 1971 allows damage to be caused to property to prevent even greater damage. ” (The Independent, September 11)
Constitutions, Conservation, Culture, Coffee and Creativity: A Chant for Change
Many people around the world have been amazed to see Ecuador’s new constitution enshrine the “Rights of Nature” in a dazzling document that was supported by two-thirds of voters and President Rafael Correa’s government. The Precautionary Principle is celebrated in the new constitution. The background of this stunning achievement goes back to the abysmal ecological disasters that the Ecuadorian indigenous people sustained at the hands of Texaco-Chevron with the dumping of toxic waste from 1970 through 1992. After pocketing 30 billion dollars the company left behind what many have termed a Chernobyl–like catastrophe. A class-action lawsuit against Chevron by 30,000 Ecuadorians has been launched. Since then, Ecuador has been striving to corral the oil and gas companies into complying with the conservation needs of a nation where one third live in poverty and derive their livelihood from intact ecological systems. Chevron has tried to push Ecuador out of the Andean Free Trade Agreement as a result. Senator Obama has criticized this threat, saying “…we do believe the 30,000 indigenous residents of Ecuador deserve their day in court.” Out of this tragedy has emerged a powerful movement created by the Indigenous populations.
Albert Schweitzer and Rachel Carson: Two Courageous and inspiring People
Three years after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1954, Albert Schweitzer addressed the world in his famous Declaration of Conscience. In a bid to stop the atmospheric testing of atomic and hydrogen bombs he sought to galvanize public opinion in order to influence Soviet, American and British governments. Dr. Schweitzer’s radio speech was part of a successful grassroots effort to bring to the forefront the short and long-term dangers that radiation poses to the future of life on Earth. He spoke of our descendents living with radioactive fallout. Land, air and water were all being affected by atomic testing. “It must not happen that we do not pull ourselves together before it is too late.” he said.
To this day most glaciers can be found to have a radioactive layer from the testing of the 50’s and 60’s. Scientists, by drilling ice cores, now use this information to see how much ice has accumulated since the 60’s to gage the glaciers’ potential meltwater for the future sustainability of rivers. Climate change is already taking its toll on these same glaciers to provide enough water for Asia’s populations.
Three Great Conservationists We Should Celebrate!
Greta McGillivray, Malcolm Kirk and Donald Kerr are amazing people who are passionate about protecting nature. Their deep commitment to nature has been the source for many vital initiatives in the conservation movement in our area. Although the three are all “retired” for some time now, the work they have done and do for their sacred Earth is an extremely important legacy. More than ever society needs to know what is being accomplished by “green” citizens in order for both adults and youth to see the alternatives to the destructive consumerism that has invaded our daily lives. All too often people forget that the economy rests on the expansive green shoulders of our biosphere. These three brave and sometimes outspoken elders have opened up the possibility for true change.